Downloads for the PowerShell Management Agent


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Version History

  • Version | Requires .NET 4.5.2. Added support for Write-Verbose/Debug/Progress/Error in scripts. Changed PowerShell host to use PowerShell instead of RunSpace to remedy memoryleak in System.Automation.dll if using RunSpace. Optimized import code to be more responsive after script returns. Also, added support for control values naming to be non-casesensitive. Added additional parameter to all scripts to pass a PSCredential object for use in scripts.Simplified logging information for import objects.
  • Version | Added trace logging instead of file logging. Fixed a few bugs and added robustness for script host. Added error logging to event log. Added ExportType as parameter to export script to inform on Delta or Full Exports. New installation method using PowerShell. Please note requirement to create event log source. This version is directly interchangeable with build 5.5.1425, just replace .DLL in Extensions directory
  • Version 5.5 | March 18, 2014 - Added robustness for script host and add support for running scripts in impersonated security context.
  • Version 5.0 | August 22, 2013 - Added support for paged imports and updated with bug fixes and better logging.
  • Version 4.5 | March 18, 2013 - Support for password management and custom error messages on import/export errors. Support for more simple export objects. FIM 2010 R2 Service Pack 1 or later is required.
  • Version 4.0 | November 15, 2012 - Support for delta and additional logging features
  • Version 3.0 | June 30, 2012 - Rewritten using ECMA 2.0 and support for .NET Framework 4.0. Functionality has changed in some areas to accommodate new features of the ECMA 2.0 framework. Please note that DLL has wrong verison number of
  • Version 2.0 | February 7, 2012 - Fixed bug with wrongly linked FIM 2010 R2 .DLL causing problems on current versions of FIM.
  • Version 2.0 | January 17, 2012 - Rewritten to support Full Import through script. Added ability to run a BeginExport script and a EndExportScript script
  • Version 1.0 | April 12, 2011 - Initial version released.

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